Synchron Solo Strings


Welcome to the Vienna Symphonic Library’s series of Synchron Instruments! The instruments were recorded at Stage A, the main hall of Vienna’s revitalized Synchron Stage Vienna. The recordings were executed using an expansive, phase-controlled multi-microphone set-up, capturing string effects played in a scoring stage with exceptional acoustics, now ready to be used in your studio. This document will provide you with the information you need to use the Library with our Vienna Synchron Player.

Standard and Extended Library

All the instruments were recorded using 20 microphones, subdivided into 11 sections. The Standard Library includes 4 of these sections (as well as a RAM-friendly Room Mix section composed of merged samples from the individual positions), allowing you to integrate instruments recorded with a stereo Decca tree into your projects using the Vienna Synchron player or our mixing hosts Vienna Ensemble and Vienna Ensemble Pro. Adding the Extended Library and thus getting the Full Library expands your possibilities to 5.1 surround and Auro 3D 9.1, with the additional option of High Stereo and Surround microphones to expand your sound possibilities even further.

  • Microphone positions
    • Standard Library 00. Room Mix – Stereo
        1. Close Mic 1 (Tube) – Mono
      1. Mid Layer Mic 1 – Stereo (L/R)
      1. Main/Room Mic – Decca Tree Stereo (L/R)
      1. Main/Room Mic – Decca Tree Mono (Center)
  • Extended Library 02. Close Mic 2 (Ribbon) – Mono
      1. Close Mic 3 (Condenser) – Stereo (L/R)
      1. Mid Layer Mic 2 – Stereo (L/R)
      1. Mid Layer Mic 3 (Ribbon) – Stereo (L/R)
      1. Main Surround – Stereo (L/R)
      1. High Stereo (3D) – Stereo (L/R)
      1. High Surround (3D) – Stereo (L/R)

Mixer Presets

For each ensemble, there are a number of Mixer Presets that depict different recording situations. The basic Mixer Presets in this Collection are Close Solo/Center/First Chair, Classic Solo/Center/First Chair, Wide, Distant, Ambience, Lush, and Lush Long. These are available in stereo versions for Room-Mix, Standard and Full, as well as in Decca Tree Multi Mic and Surround Presets. Moreover, there is a Special category for the Full Library.

By default the classic room mixes are loaded which include the Standard Library microphone positions “Room Mix”, “Tube” and “Mid”. These are balanced in the stereo field to represent the respective instrument’s position in the Synchron Stage set-up.


Patches can be used to build your own custom Presets and adapt the Synchron Libraries to your specific requirements. For further information on constructing Presets, please see the Synchron Player manual.

Immersive Sound and Auro 3D

Auro 3D is an immersive audio technology that allows for three-dimensional sound perception. The Belgian company Auro Technologies developed this technology based on a special speaker configuration, adding four additional speakers to a 5.1 surround configuration. These speakers (so-called “Heights”) are situated above the front and surround speakers and generate acoustic reflections that are perceived naturally due to the fact that sounds originate from around as well as from above the listener. Thanks to the comprehensive selection of discrete audio channels with the Full Library, you may mix your instruments in Auro 3D as well as in Dolby Atmos.

Articulation categories

The Presets of each instrument group are subdivided into 9 (violin) resp. 10 (cello) different Articulation categories:

  • Short notes
  • Long notes
  • Performance legato
  • Dynamics
  • Tremolo
  • Trills
  • Pizzicato
  • Harmonics
  • Effects (cello only)
  • Sequences

The new category “Sequences” presents a feature allowing you to play a pre-defined sequence of Articulations. The Articulation categories are further subdivided into Types such as spiccato or staccato, and additional options are available for most Articulations, e.g., attack or release variants.

Preset types

Synchron libraries generally offer different Presets according to how velocity is handled, arranged in separate folders.

“VelXF sus - MOD”: velocity crossfading is only activated for long notes, while the dynamics of short notes are controlled by keystroke velocity, thus facilitating phrasing.

“VelXF - MOD”: all articulations have velocity crossfading activated so that you can control dynamics with MIDI controller CC1, the modwheel.

“VelXF + Velocity control”: these Presets also use the modwheel, but in addition keystroke velocity is used to determine the attack behaviour of long notes, legato, etc. Moreover, there are special patch combinations, e.g., where velocity triggers spiccato or staccato samples.

“Velocity”: note volume is controlled by keystroke velocity just like a piano.

Velocity crossfading can always be enabled or disabled by clicking its on/off symbol in the Synchron Player's Perform tab.

The Presets of each instrument group are subdivided into different articulation categories, including one named “Custom” and ready for your own creations. Within these articulation categories, you can select a type, e.g., staccato, and for some of the types there are additional options available, such as “bold” and “agile” for the Introduction / Pitch staccatos. Depending on articulation, there also may be things like release and crossfading options. If you happen to be short of RAM, you can leave the entire dimension tree disabled and only enable the slots you need for your arrangement.

Switching between an instrument’s playing styles and articulations is generally done via dedicated keys on the keyboard and aptly called “keyswitches”. By default the keyswitches for Articulations are mapped depending on an instrument’s range – starting from C1 (for Middle C = C4). The violin’s Type keyswitches start from C2, and those of the cello from C6.

Dimension Controllers offer additional options within some Articulations or Types, most notably that of crossfading between different Patches. The controller function is indicated by the group’s respective caption, as of course it may take on different tasks as needed.


For designating pitch, the Vienna Symphonic Library uses International Pitch Notation (IPN), which was agreed upon internationally under the auspices of the Acoustical Society of America. In this system the international standard of A=440 Hz is called A4 and middle C is C4. All pitches are written as capital letters, their respective octave being indicated by a number next to it. The lowest C on the piano is C1 (the A below that is A0), etc.

The Synchron Player software allows you to set middle C to C3, C4, or C5 according to your preference. Selecting another setting than C4 will of course also change the play ranges and keyswitches accordingly.

Synchron Solo Strings – Presets

The Presets of the Collection comprise all the instruments’ recorded Patches in Articulation groups, which again contain Types of the respective Articulation, with further options if available. If you happen to be short of RAM, you can leave the entire dimension tree disabled and only enable the slots you need for your arrangement.

The violin’s Articulation keyswitches are mapped from C1 to A1 (for Middle C = C4), those of the cello from C1 to A#1. The Type keyswitches start from C2/F2 (depending on articulation) for the violin, and from C6/F6 for the cello. The keyswitches for further options such as release and attack variants are mapped to the keyboard’s 7th octave.

Dimension Controllers offer additional options within some Articulations or Types, most notably that of crossfading between different attack and release variations. The controller function is indicated by the respective caption, as of course it may take on different tasks as needed.

  • Articulations: violin C1–A1; cello C1–A#1.
  • Type: violin from C2/F2; cello from C6/F6.
  • Attack, release, other variants: starting at C7.
  • XF control: MIDI continuous controllers (CC).

Short notes

Spiccato, staccato, détaché short/normal/soft/without vibrato,ll with "bold" and "agile" attack variants; performance spiccato with normal and fast attack; détaché slides up and down; ricochet a1–a4; saltando; saltando glissando, up and down.

  • Type: C2–A#2 (violin, viola), C6–A#6 (cello, bass).
  • Bold / Agile, Up/Down: A7 / A#7.

Spiccato, staccato, détaché, saltando

Spiccato; staccato; détaché short, regular, soft, and without vibrato; saltando. All except saltando with bold and agile attack.

Performance spiccato

Performance spiccato with normal and fast attack, with an auto-speed option. Auto-speed uses Dim.Ctrl/B (playing speed) to determine attack behavior.

  • Attack: A7/B7/C8.

In VelXF+Velocity control Presets, the change between normal and fast attack is controlled by keystroke velocity by default, so that no auto-speed cell is necessary.

Détaché slide, saltando glissando

Détaché slides, up, down, and fall; and glissando saltando, up and down.

  • Up/Down: dĂ©tachĂ© A/–B7, glissando A7 / A#7.

In VelXF+Velocity control Presets, the direction is controlled by keystroke velocity.


  • Repetitions: F7–G#7.

VelXF + Velocity control – spiccato, staccato

In the VelXF + Velocity Presets, the short notes have an additional Type named “Vel. control” with three sub Types that employ velocity control to switch between articulations: spiccato/staccato velocity control, détaché velocity control, and ricochet. Keystroke velocity is employed to trigger different patches.

  • Type 2: F7–G7.
Spiccato/staccato, détaché

Use keystroke velocity to switch between spiccato/staccato resp. soft/normal/marcato détache.

  • Articulation: Dim.Ctrl/C (keystroke velocity).
  • Attack: A7/A#7.


Keystroke velocity triggers ricochet a1–a3, and saltando.

  • Repetitions: Dim.Ctrl/C (keystroke velocity).

Long notes

Sustained notes, regular with light, strong, and without vibrato, with attack and release variants; and slides, up and down, with release variants.

  • Regular/Slides: C2–C#2 (violin), C6–C#6 (cello).

Regular – senza, poco, molto vibrato

Long notes without, with light and strong vibrato, normal/soft/fast attack; with normal, fall, and octave up and down release.

  • Expression: G2–B2 (violin), G6–B6 (cello).
  • Release: F7–G#7.
  • Attack: A7–C8.

In VelXF + Velocity control Presets, attack is controlled by keystroke velocity instead of keyswitches.

Vibrato XF poco/molto vibrato, all vibratos

Crossfading combination between poco and molto vibrato resp. all vibrato patches. Use Dim.Ctrl/A (CC20) for crossfading.

  • Vibrato XFade: Dim.Ctrl/A (CC20).

Regular – VelXF + Velocity control

  • Attack: Dim.Ctrl/C (keystroke velocity).



Slides, up and down, with normal, fall, and octave up and down release.

  • Release: F7–G7.

Slides – VelXF + Velocity control

  • Up/Down: Dim.Ctrl/C (keystroke velocity).

Performance Legato

Legato normal and agile, slurred legato, and portamento, normal/soft/fast attack; lyrical legato, and zigane. All with normal, fall, and octave up and down release. Including an auto-speed option between normal and agile legato.

  • Type: C2–F#2 (violin), C6–F#6 (cello).

Normal, agile, slurred, portamento

  • Expression: G2–B2 (violin), G6–B6 (cello).
  • Release: F7–G#7.
  • Attack: A7–B7.

In VelXF + Velocity control Presets, attack is controlled by keystroke velocity instead of keyswitches.

Vibrato XF poco/molto vibrato, all vibratos

Crossfading combination between poco and molto vibrato resp. all vibrato patches. Use Dim.Ctrl/A (CC20) for crossfading.

  • Vibrato XFade: Dim.Ctrl/A (CC20).



This option implements a controller on Dim.Ctrl/B to switch automatically between normal and agile legato according to playing speed.

  • Speed controller: Dim.Ctrl/B (playing speed).

Lyrical, zigane

Lyrical legato and zigane with normal, fall, and octave up and down release.

  • Release: F7–G#7.

VelXF + Velocity control

In these Presets, attack is controlled by keystroke velocity instead of keyswitches.

  • Attack: Dim.Ctrl/C (keystroke velocity).


Sforzato, crescendo, diminuendo, piano to forte legato, and forte to piano legato.

  • Type: C2–E2 (violin), C6–E6 (cello).
  • Transition: F7–G7.
  • Attack: A7/B7/C8.

In VelXF + Velocity Presets, attack is controlled by keystroke velocity instead of keyswitches.

Sforzato, p<f legato, f<p legato

Articulations with normal, fall, octave up and octave down release. The “legato” Patches differ from crescendo and diminuendo below in that only starting notes will play crescendo or diminuendo, while subsequent connected legato notes will stay in the target dynamic.

  • Release: F7–G#7.

p<f (crescendo), f<p (diminuendo)

Short, medium, and long crescendo and diminuendo without and with vibrato.

  • Expression: G2–A2 (violin), G6–A6 (cello).
  • Length: F7–G7.

Vibrato XF

Crossfading option between senza and con vibrato with the help of Dim.Ctrl/A (MIDI CC20).

  • Vibrato XFade: Dim.Ctrl/A (CC20).

VelXF + Velocity control – diminuendo/sforzato

This additional cell in VelXF + Velocity control Presets switches between diminuendo and sforzato according to keystroke velocity.

  • Dim./sfz: Dim.Ctrl/C (keystroke velocity).


VelXF + Velocity control – crescendo, diminuendo

In VelXF + Velocity control Presets, crescendo and diminuendo are combined and can be controlled via keystroke velocity.

  • Cres/dim: Dim.Ctrl/C (keystroke velocity).


Tremolo with normal and legato transitions, and measured tremolo.

  • Type: C2–D2 (violin), C6–D6 (cello).
  • In VelXF + Velocity Presets, attack is controlled by keystroke velocity instead of keyswitches.


Tremolo with normal and legato transitions, with normal and sforzato attack.

  • Transition: F7–F#7.
  • Attack: A7/B7.

Long X tremolo

Use Dim.Ctrl/A (CC20) to crossfade between sustained notes and tremolo.

  • Sustained/tremolo XFade: Dim.Ctrl/A (CC20).

Measured tremolo

Tremolo at 120/130/140/160/180 bpm with normal and cut release.

  • Tempo: F2–A2 (violin), F6–A6 (cello).
  • Release: F7/F#7.


Trills, minor and major 2nd, with normal, legato, and slurred transitions.

  • Interval: F2–F#2 (violin), F6–F#6 (cello).
  • Transition: F7–G7.

VelXF + Velocity control

In VelXF + Velocity control Presets, the trills are controlled by keystroke velocity rather than by keyswitches.

  • Half/whole tone: Dim.Ctrl/C (keystroke velocity).


Pizzicato, bold and agile; snap pizzicato; col legno, bold and agile.

  • Type: C2–D2 (violin), C6–D6 (cello).
  • Bold/agile: A7/A#7.

VelXF + Velocity control – Regular/snap pizzicato

In this additional combination, Dim.Ctrl/C (keystroke velocity) is used to trigger regular pizzicato at lower velocities, and snap pizzicato at higher ones.


Harmonics sustained, tremolo, staccato and détaché bold and agile. With crossfading combinations of the long notes.

  • Type: C2–F#2 (violin), C6–F#6 (cello).

In VelXF + Velocity control Presets, attack is controlled by keystroke velocity instead of keyswitches.

Long XF tremolo, regular X harmonics, tremolo XF harmonics

Crossfading combinations between sustained and tremolo harmonics, normal and harmonics sustains, and regular and harmonics tremolo. Use Dim.Ctrl/A (CC20) to crossfade between articulations.

  • Articulation XFade: Dim.Ctrl/A (CC20).

Staccato, détaché

Staccato and détaché harmonics, bold and agile.

  • Bold/agile: A7/A#7.

Cello only: Effects

Scratches, glissando pizzicato, harmonics glissando, hammer, finger slides, and grabs.

  • Type: C6–F6.

In VelXF + Velocity control Presets, the scratches’ length and finger slides’ direction are controlled by keystroke velocity instead of keyswitches.


Scratching strokes on the strings.

  • Staccato/dĂ©tachĂ©: C7/C#7.

Glissando pizzicato

Pizzicato notes with subsequent upward glissandos.

  • Range: C2–A4.

Harmonics glissando

Harmonics glissandos on each string, slow and fast, up and down; and looped, with low and high release.

  • Mapping: up/low release: C2, G2, D3, A3; down/high release: C4, G4, D5, A5.
  • Slow/fast/loop: F7–G7.


Hammering on the string with the finger to produce the tone.

  • Range: D2–D5.

Finger slide

Producing noises by sliding a finger over the strings.

  • Up/down: A7/A#7.


Grabbing and releasing the fingerboard with the strings in different places.

  • Mapping: grab on: C2–B2; grab off: C4–B4.


This section is dedicated to sequences of two types of short articulations with 2 to 4 changes. The initial articulation ist followed by up to 3 repetitions of the other one.

  • Sequence type: C2–E2 (violin); C6–E6 (cello).
  • Succession: F2–A#2; F6–A#6.
  • Bold/agile: A/A#7.



Détaché soft/regular


Pizzicato regular/snap

VelXF + Velocity control – Legato vel.ctrl.

These Presets feature an additional Articulation where the legato type (normal, slurred, portamento) is controlled by keystroke velocity.

  • Type: Dim.Ctrl/C (keystroke velocity).


This “articulation” does not yet contain any patches. It provides 6 slots ready for you to configure presets of your own.